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Parelli training course

For a better understanding of horses
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Parelli course

To acquire the knowledge to understand the "mentality" of our horse, to correct its undesirable behaviours and to teach it skills that will allow us to enjoy our relationship, whatever the equestrian discipline we practise.
"For many years I trained my own horses to guarantee my clients a nice, reliable and friendly road horse for their riding holiday in Andalusia. I used gentle, non-aggressive methods, but I knew something was not quite right.

When I discovered Parelli through Nadia Soleymanjo, I understood that I was lacking confidence. She taught me how to get it and now we are helping to discover a different way of interacting with horses.

                                                 Manolo Ruiz

The Parelli course is available in both Cabo de Gata and Sierra Nevada. The programme and activities are identical in both locations.

In Cabo de Gata, the accommodation is at the Hotel Sotillo de San José (or at the Hotel Doña Pakyta during its annual holidays) and the course is held at Cabacci San José.

For the Sierra Nevada, clients stay at the Palacio de Oñate, in the historic centre of Guadix, and the course takes place in Lugros, about 15 minutes drive from Guadix. We arrange transfers between the hotel and the horses every morning and afternoon.


Day 1 - Sunday

Arrival at the hotel in San José, and accommodation. At 8:00 p.m., welcome and briefing with the Cabacci Horse Trails team.

Day 4 - Wednesday

Improve communication skills to have safe and happy horses. We will learn how to gain true confidence and competence in the field with a prey animal.

Day 2 - Monday

Rules. The classes begin with firm guidelines, attending to the emotional and psychological connection with the horse, learning to transmit the energy that will follow when we become their companions.

Day 5 - Thursday

"The seven games". We will work our ground-based skills with the well-known Parelli games. Then we will go for a walk with a bridle, enjoying a new experience.

Day 3 - Tuesday

Connection with horses and "Psychology of the horse". We will explore effective body language techniques that are strengthened by walking together in freedom. These connected walks will provide us with self-control, concentration and leadership skills. We will also transmit security, joy and playful moments to the horses that will make them want to be with us.

Day 6 - Friday

Mutually beneficial relationship. A way for people and horses to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship. This will be a pleasant day in which the horses will be the protagonists. We will follow their thought processes, sensing their loyalty to humans. We will strive to be your best friend-leader.

Day 7 - Saturday

Breakfast and "checkout" at 12:00 maximum. Thank you so much See you soon!

Cabacci Horse Trails

San José. Rodalquilar. 

Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar.

Almería, Andalucía, España.

Teléfono y Whatsapp +34 669226657 

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